Kevin Handley
Project Manager, Vice President
Los Angeles, California
As a kid, Kevin was passionate about understanding how things work. Whether taking apart outdated electronics or building houses during college, he always wanted to know how things go together. A career in architecture became the perfect outlet to satisfy his curiosity and inquisitive nature.
As leader of the Aviation Studio in Los Angeles, Kevin brings over 20 years of architectural experience and has expanded Corgan’s presence on the West Coast. He has contributed to a variety of notable aviation projects including the Los Angeles International Airport West Gates as well as standout regional projects such as the Long Beach Airport Landside Improvements and the current terminal expansion at Santa Barbara Airport.
Kevin brings extensive construction administration experience and technical expertise to any project, developing projects from conceptual design through construction and relishes coordinating with the architectural and consultant teams, interfacing with airport management and stakeholders, and working with the contractor in the field to determine practical solutions. Kevin takes the word team seriously and recognizes the design process is a group effort made possible by the skills of each team member.
In his free time, Kevin, experiences airports from another perspective as a private pilot and enjoys photography, scuba diving, cycling, skiing, mountain climbing, hiking, and camping.