Abrazo West Campus Intervention Radiology Suite & Pharmacy Expansion

Project Stats
- Location
Phoenix, Arizona
- Size
8,000 SF
- Market
- Expertise
Aiding heart attack victims during critical times of need.
To better serve patients in the greater Phoenix metroplex, Abrazo Health teamed up with Corgan for the expansion of their radiology suite and new in-patient pharmacy at their Abazo West Campus.
Corgan and Abrazo Health have enjoyed a relationship since the firm renovated portions of the West Valley Hospital built circa 1980s, so the company entrusted Corgan’s healthcare team to design the new ground-up addition to the hospital. The new facility includes a hybrid operating room intervention surgery/radiology suite to aid heart surgeons during procedures – including emergency open heart surgeries — for accurate imaging and monitoring.
Corgan designed the space and equipment planning to provide in-room X-rays, CAT scans, and high-tech monitors.
The space had to qualify as a surgical operating room with protcols for open skin procedures consisting of a controlled environment with a sterile field around the patient table, proper air flow, and room for a team of doctors and anesthesiologist. These types of procedures require a C-arm — a large medical imaging system — and other state-of-the art imaging equipment along with lighting on booms and high-tech computer and monitoring system to view and record progress during operations. Corgan also designed multiple clean rooms and a back-of-house lab and pharmacy along with a breakroom for physicians and staff.

Convenient and secure in-patient pharmacy
For on-site processing and manufacturing of compound drugs, pain medications, and perscriptions, Corgan created an in-patient pharmacy in keeping with the aesthetic of the hospital and met stringent government regulations pertaining to physical security including wire mesh concealed within the walls and bullet resistant glass. Our familiarity with equipment and space planning as well as our strong working relationship with the client executed a safe, functional, and secure space to elevate the level of patient care by aiding doctors during complex heart surgeries.