ABI Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting (ARFF) Station

Project Stats
- Location
Abilene, Texas
- Size
10,000 SF
- Market
- Expertise
Future Fire Protection Services at ABI.
Corgan is providing architectural services to the City of Abilene to design a new Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting Station at ABI. This station will be approximately 10,000 square feet and will include the following:
- Three drive through apparatus bays including an exhaust system and trench drains with oil separators for aircraft rescue vehicles.
- Utility spaces including a watch room, a mechanical/electrical room, a gear wash room, complementary agent storage, a workshop, a hose drying area, a trash room and an emergency generator.
- Administrative offices, including a chief office, a large conference room for eight people and administrative storage.
- Parking for up to 15 employees.
This building includes a private living space with separate dorm rooms and bathrooms, including janitor closet/ laundry, a workout room, a kitchen, a day room to house four staff and one fire chief per shift.
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