Long-Range Facility Planning, Capacity Analysis, and Bond Planning, Brock ISD

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Brock ISD
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Brock ISD completed their previous bond proposal with a new elementary school. Less than a year from opening that school, the district quickly realized that the population growth and increased enrollment projections were approaching significantly sooner than expected. For a community unfamiliar with rapid growth, and for those who object the growth, the idea of additional facility needs so soon was a risk. In conjunction with the district’s demographic analysis, Corgan conducted a utilization study of all campuses and student programs. It was determined that all campuses would be over capacity by 2023. Corgan assisted the district with engaging a citizens advisory committee of parents, teachers and community members to build consensus, and develop a bond program and long-range plan to address the impending growth. The committee presented a recommendation to the school board for the calling of a bond election for facility additions at two schools, a grade level realignment and other district-wide upgrades to security and technology. Corgan’s internal communication’s team then developed a communications strategy for voter education including branding, messaging and all collateral development.