Iron Mountain VA7

Project Stats
- Location
Manassas, Virginia
- Size
290,750 SF
- Critical Load
36 MW
- Market
- Expertise
Streamlined construction yields cost-effective and turnkey solutions.
Appreciating their long-time relationship, Iron Mountain Data Centers commissioned Corgan to design the fifth data center building on their Virginia Campus and is the first standard bay prototype to be built. Utilizing a standard structural bay, the building structure and electrical infrastructure design was optimized as a repeatable solution to expedite the building design and construction and create efficiencies.

The two-story facility built in a single phase includes four data halls, electrical rooms and UPS rooms, and administrative space. Typically, each data hall is treated as a single package, but by combining the phases into one streamlined construction Corgan yielded a more cost-effective and efficient turnkey solution for several reasons:
- Enabled the project from shell to interior to be completed in two years.
- Reduced the number of submittal reviews.
- Eliminated remobilization of general contractors and having to renegotiate renewal contracts.
- Reduced front work of developing contracts with vendors and getting the right equipment on-site.
- Saved time obtaining permits in Prince William County.
The office envelope consists of precast, metal panel, and curtain wall. The design of this façade was inspired by the operator’s second data center facility in Arizona — which has become part of the Iron Mountain Data Center branding.