FLL Fuel Storage Facility Upgrades

Project Stats
- Location
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
- Size
7,200 SF
- Market
- Expertise
As part of the planned expansion of the fuel storage system at FLL, the facility upgrade will provide (2) additional storage tanks and replace the main operations building, which controls and maintains the fuel system. Additionally, the site will locate two out-buildings, a fuel lab for regular testing of jet fuel products, and a structure for fire suppression foam for the tank farm.
This project requires construction of the new Operations and Administration building prior to taking off-line the current administration building. The new building will be enlarged to 7,200 square feet and will accommodate the operations function on the first level while providing a much-needed office and administration function on level 2.
For Operations, the facility houses the main Control room, with direct views of the fuel racks, a parking bay for a fuel truck, an electrical room controlling the site equipment, a staff shower, and locker facilities. The program includes space at level 2 for administration functions, providing offices, a large conference room, and file storage space for the operation. The 24-hour facility was designed and constructed for hurricane and climate resiliency.