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Coppell Middle School West, Coppell ISD

Coppell MS_learning stair

Project Stats


204,167 SF




Interior Design
Climate, Sustainability & Wellness

This innovative educational environment for 1,500 sixth through eighth grade students features separate academic houses, each with flexible classrooms, blended labs and maker spaces. At the center is an adaptable library space with large walls that open and extend to a shared learning stair. Collaborative areas large and small are incorporated within each house and throughout the school. Faculty share a large professional development lab, providing teacher resources and group spaces beyond the house structure. A fabrication lab and courtyard give students space to explore and build large scale projects, including solar cars.

The building is designed to meet the LEED Silver, with geothermal HVAC systems, high-efficiency lighting, and rainwater harvesting. Cisterns collect water to flush toilets and irrigate the on-site community gardens, all while creating an educational opportunity for students.

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"Our students will enjoy exceptional schools that are truly tools for learning. I am certain there are few other architects that could have completed such complex and successful designs in such a short time frame and within our budgets."

Sid Grant, (ret) Associate Superintendent, Coppell ISD 
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The new middle school features small communities within itself by creating “houses.”

Coppell MS_Branded environment
Coppell MS_branded hallway

Keeping the spirit alive

Maintaining the original campus identity through a branded environment created a seamless transition.

Coppell MS_hallway

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