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Project Stats


Atlanta, Georgia


74,000 SF


Aviation & Transportation


Interior Design

Advancing ATL's expansion goals.

Corgan was selected to design the expansion for Concourse T-North to generate space for six gates and thus more capacity to serve the growing demand for air travel to and from the Atlanta area. The Concourse T North Extension will create space to relocate two of the existing undersized T-North gates (T16-T17) and add four new ADG III capable gates (T18-T21). This will alleviate existing holdroom space deficiencies and consolidate airline operations. American Airlines will relocate three gates from Concourse D to Concourse T (T13-T15) to allow for consolidated and efficient operations. The existing United Airlines ramp operations at T13 through T17 will relocate to the T North extension, where they will occupy gates T16 through T21.


The Concourse T-North Extension is comprised of a two-level concourse with AATC and airline support spaces at apron level and gate seating and boarding areas, concessions, and passenger amenities at the concourse level. This extension will be completely new construction. Holdroom design and all interior design scopes have been advanced using similar design elements from the recently completed Airside Modernization project (AMOD),   


The new building envelope will use high performing 3” insulated metal panel system that matches the AMOD standards both in material and color. At the apron level, the envelope will include a double width CMU wall with rigid insulation.

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