Corporate Social Responsibility
Passion & Imperative

At Corgan, we believe social responsibility should be a holistic approach to supporting the community and making our world – wherever that may be – a little better.
We commit our time and talent through service, provide financial support through giving, and cultivate community, compassion and action inside and outside our firm.

Habitat for Humanity

Hunger Busters
We encourage Corganites to give their time, talent, and resources to causes they are passionate about by participating in diverse and creative initiatives across the nation. Our community service program, called Corgan Cares, focuses on three specific areas — homelessness, humanities, and hunger — and encourages a year-round commitment to service. Employees are given paid time off to volunteer with a charity within those focus areas.

Children's Health Donations
We financially support numerous initiatives within the communities where we live, work, and play. We’re committed to the arts community, as well as education and youth programs, encouraging the future of architecture and design.
Corgan knows tomorrow's leaders are being influenced from an early age — that's why we expanded our development initiatives to begin at the elementary education level and continue through college. As a firm, we’ve made a commitment to improve and increase awareness, access and opportunity for hidden talent.

At the college level, Corgan provides five scholarships at $2,500 each, which also include an opportunity for a paid summer internship at Corgan. These scholarships prioritize students of color and women.